Friday, April 12, 2013

Snack Time

#1- Cucumbers: I just love this green Veggie! sliced thin, topped with salt, garlic and pepper, its a quick snack that satisfies crunch, salt, and is mostly water so your not undoing your workout or diet for the day.

Most days I don't eat just three meals a day. I usually have a small snack every few hours between meals to stay energized.
In order to stay away from the ice cream in the freezer I have a few go to quick snack ideas to will get you through the day
#2- Fruit plate: Cut up 4-5 strawberries, 1/2 apple, and 1/2 an orange. full of color, vitamins and minerals there is nothing better than fresh fruit. 
#3- PB&J: Half a PB&J on whole wheat bread is more than a snack and less than a meal. I  eat one 45 min before a workout or  30 min after. I'm big on flavors and textures and this tasty treat satisfies your sweet tooth, your salty and your crunchy sensations (if you use chunky PB)

#4- Greek Yogurt: Not just a breakfast food. Yogurts are great for days on the go. Greek yogurt is packed with protein, just watch out for the one's with lots of added sugar. 

#5- The good 'Ol Cheese and crackers: I'm not big on most cheese, but when I really want something salty (do you see a theme here) I will dig out the sea salt and cracked pepper Triscuits crackers and dig into some cream cheese. I could eat the whole box like this, so I'm careful to pour out just a few crackers into a bowl and eat away. 

#6-  Water: Many times when I think I'm hungry all I really need is some quality H2O. I'll pound down a 1/2 liter and instantly feel better. Add a hint of lemon for flavor without the artificial stuff.

These are just of a few of my favorite. I try new combinations and ideas all the. To stay current with what looks good to me follow me on Pintrest as well:


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